Healing of soul and body. How is this possible in the virtual world?
If Meditation?
Meditation is a mysterious term. On the one hand, everyone knows this word - it sounds constantly in one interpretation or another. On the other hand, one can come across a wide variety of interpretations of meditation.
Meditation takes place in a state of deep concentration. At the same time, consciousness is disconnected from all other objects, and the person, as it were, merges with the subject of reflection.
Therefore, the concept of meditation is very closely related to such concepts as self-contemplation, contemplation, and trance. Sometimes this state is called insight and all creative personalities experience it: poets, composers, and artists.
The concept of meditation can be considered in a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, meditation is used to achieve spiritual perfection. In a narrow sense, meditation is understood as practices that are specifically used to develop the mental and psychic abilities of a person.
What is meditation for?
For spiritual improvement, as a rule, they practice in special schools and monasteries. Here, adepts use meditation to gain knowledge of higher truths.
But meditation is also useful in its narrower sense. Especially in ordinary life. The effects of meditation practice are very diverse, and they can manifest themselves to different degrees in different people.
As inspiration-meditation. Meditation allows you to penetrate into the Subconsciousness deep into yourself, where Creativity and Intuition are born.
The development of intuition is the second important consequence of the practice of meditation. Intuition allows us to make better decisions, do the right things, and choose the right paths.
The third important property of meditation is the spiritual growth of a person. Even small meditation sessions have a cumulative effect and eventually, there is a transition effect from quantity to quality. Long periods of meditation bring consciousness to a higher level of awareness.
Finally, meditation leads to a change in human behavior, habits, and preferences. And also - to the development of some hidden abilities, such as self-healing and managing your emotions. Inner peace and confidence come. A person's aesthetic tastes change, a sense of harmony and beauty develops, intellectual abilities increase, thinking develops, memory improves and a number of other positive effects arise.
How to Meditate
Since the goals for meditation classes can be different, the practice itself can be very diverse. However, there are certain rules that are common to any occupation.
In addition, you should pay attention to the following points:
For any practice of meditation, it is always primary to achieve a state of relaxation, when there is a reduced sensitivity to external objects as if detachment from them and from extraneous internal experiences. Therefore, one should always begin with mastering the practice of complete relaxation.
The duration of classes is not a regulated parameter. Time can vary quite widely. But 10-15 minutes is considered the minimum, it does not make sense to do less. Advanced individuals who practice meditation in a broad sense can be in this state for 2-3 hours or more (some yogas for several days and even several months).
The Basis of Meditation - Parameters The transition into a trance state can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Most often practice the repetition of mantras, breath control, and prayers. Special music and verbal suggestion are widely used in everyday life.
A similar effect can also be achieved when contemplating moving waters, and mountains, in dance. All these techniques are widely used. The main thing is that this process takes a person out of the power of reality and plunges him into a trance.
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